Today, we're going to add to the processing information about where a token
appears in the original document.
Tokens Today
Currently, a token is just the string containing the token data.
Easy enough.
Tokens Tomorrow
To hold more information about the token, we'll need a richer data type. To
accommodate that, here's a struct
for tokens:
(defstruct token :text :raw :line :start :end :filename)
This gives us slots to hold the token's text; its original text before case
normalization, stemming, or whatever; the line it occurred on; the start and
end indices where it can be found on that line; and the name of the file the
token was read from.
Again, pretty simple.
Updating the Tokenization
The big changes happen in the tokenization procedure. Currently, it doesn't
take lines into account.
Let's start with the highest-level functions and drill down to the lowest.
First, these functions tokenize either a file or a string.
(defn split-lines [input-string]
(.split #"\\r|\\n|\\r\\n" input-string))
(defn tokenize-str
(tokenize-str-seq (split-lines input-string)))
([input-string stop-word?]
(filter (comp :text (complement stop-word?))
(tokenize-str input-string))))
(defn tokenize
(with-open in (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename))
(map (fn [tkn] (assoc tkn :filename filename))
(tokenize-str-seq (line-seq in))))))
([filename stop-word?]
(with-open in (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename))
(map (fn [tkn] (assoc tkn :filename filename))
(filter (comp :text (complement stop-word?))
(tokenize-str-seq (line-seq in))))))))
breaks a string into lines based on a regex of line endings.
uses split-lines
to break its input into lines, and it calls
with them. The second overload for this function then
filters the tokens with a stop list.
opens a file with a
, and it calls
with them. It sets the :filename
key on the token
is thrown in there because map
is lazy, but with-open
forces map
to evaluate everything. Without it, with-open
close the file before its contents could be read. This is a common mistake,
and it will probably bit you regularly. It does me.
We haven't seen tokenize-str-seq
yet. What does it do?
(def token-regex #"\\w+")
(defn- tokenize-str-seq
"This tokenizes a sequence of strings."
(tokenize-str-seq strings 0))
([strings line-no]
(when-first line strings
(lazy-cat (tokenize-line line-no (re-matcher token-regex line) 0)
(tokenize-str-seq (rest strings) (inc line-no))))))
This function tokenizes a sequence of strings. It walks through the sequence,
numbering each line (line-no
). For each input line, it constructs a lazy
sequence by concatenating the tokens for that line (tokenize-line
) with the
tokens for the rest of the lines.
is new. It is exactly equivalent to when
plus let
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(when-first line strings (println line)))
(clojure/when (clojure/seq strings)
(clojure/let [line (clojure/first strings)]
(println line)))
constructs a lazy sequence of the tokens in that line.
(defn- tokenize-line
"This tokenizes a single line into a lazy sequence of tokens."
([line-no matcher]
(tokenize-line line-no matcher 0))
([line-no matcher start]
(when (.find matcher start)
(lazy-cons (mk-token line-no matcher)
(tokenize-line line-no matcher (.end matcher))))))
constructs a token
struct from a regex and line number.
(defn- mk-token
"This creates a token given a line number and regex matcher."
[line-no matcher]
(let [raw (.group matcher)]
(struct token
(.toLowerCase raw) raw
line-no (.start matcher) (.end matcher))))
That's it. tokenize
and tokenize-str
create a sequence of strings of input
data. Each item in the sequence is a line in the input.
takes that input sequence and creates a lazy sequence of
the tokens from the first line and the tokens from the rest of the input
takes a line and constructs a lazy sequence of the tokens in
it, as defined by the regex held in token-regex
Finally, mk-token
constructs the token from the regex Matcher
and the line
If you've made it this far, you've probably got Clojure up and running, but if
not, Bill Clementson has a great post on how to set up
Clojure+Emacs+SLIME. In the future, he'll be exploring Clojure in more
detail. He's got a lot of good posts on Common Lisp and Scheme, and I'm
looking forward to seeing what he does with Clojure.
I haven't really explained about Clojure's laziness. Next, I'll talk about